4X GMPR HPK's Tempelton Rye SH

Call Name: Capone
Titles Earned: 4X Grand Master Pointing Retriever & AKC Senior Hunter
Hips: OFA Good LR-215392G24M-VPI
Elbows: OFA Normal LR-EL68457M24-VPI
Eyes: Of a Clear
EIC: Clear by testing
CNM: Clear by testing
PRA: Clear by testing
Color: Yellow (Red)
Size: 70 lbs
Whelped: 6/04/13
Color Factor: Black & Yellow (Red)

Capone's Pedigree Highlights
Capone is the “Fox Red” phase of YELLOW — Remember “Fox Red” is not an official Labrador Retriever color.
Field Trial pedigree highlights
FC-AFC-CFC-CAFC Jazztime MH (Hall of Fame)
FC AFC Blackwater Bart II
FC Red Oak Casey
NAFC-FC The Little Duke Of Fargo
Capone is located in Marshalltown, IA. Should you need a reference about Capone please contact Mike Lettau at K&L Kennels:
www.kandlkennels.com or, Mike’s cell phone: 816-616-5942
APLA pedigree highlights:
- GMPR Cashzingers Cattail Corkey (Hall of Fame)
- MPR Brooks Golden Nugget (HAll of Fame Nominee)
- GMPR Cajun of Black Forest MH (Hall of Fame)
- GMPR Sir Hershey or Surrey (Hall of Fame)
- 4XGMPR HRCH HRK’s Rooster Smasher MH QAA
- GMPR Wannamaker’s Hot Tub SH
- 2xGMPR Eli’s Blackjack Tori SH
- GMPR Blackwater Lexus
- GMPR Sirs Mighty Eli SH