4X GMPR Grizzly SH

Call Name: Griz
Titles: 4X Grand Master Pointing Retriever & AKC Senior Hunter
Hips: OFA Excellent
Elbows: OFA Normal
Color Factor: Brown & Black (No Yellow)
Eyes: Clear
EIC: Clear by testing
CNM: Clear by testing
PRA: Clear by testing
Color: Brown
Size: 68 lbs
Whelped: 10/3/09

Griz’s Pedigree Highlights
Griz was the youngest 4X-Grand Master Pointing Retriever at one time and was the first to earn this accomplishment prior to two years of age.
Griz and his offspring have been in many Pheasants Forever & Covey Rise magazines & covers and has also been in promotional Cabelas events and calendars.
Griz has also sired more titled pointing lab off-spring than any other dog in history.
Griz has a loaded pedigree including 6-Grand Master Pointing Retrievers, 7-Master Hunters, 8-Amateur Field Champions, 5-Field Champions,1-Qualified All Age, 1- 2xNational Amateur Field Champion, and 4- APLA Hall of Fame dogs! Some of the biggest names in the Pointing lab world and the Field Trial world have come together to create a truly exceptional animal!
Field Trial pedigree highlights
- FC HRCH Watermark’s Texas Welcome MH SRS Winner (Howdy)
- 2x-NAFC 2x-CNFC FC AFC Ebonstars Lean Mac (Maxx)
- FC AFC HRCH Gator PT’s Sweet Potato Pie (Tadah)
- AFC Trieven Twist And Shout MH
APLA pedigree highlights
- GMPR Cajun of Black Forest MH
- MPR RattlinRidge’s Bronco Bill MH (Willie)
- GMPR Sir Hershey or Surrey
- GMPR MHR HRCH Blackdog’s Bonkerjohn Kate MH
Griz is a record-setting dog in the APLA by becoming the first 4X GMPR at less than 2 years of age. At 23 months of age he broke the previous record of his half brother by over 6 months. Griz also went 5/5 in AKC senior 1 year of age!
I also ran Griz in his and my first shoot to retrieve event and finished a very respectable third (it would have been 2nd if I shot better). This finish was over 28 traditional pointing breed dogs in the pointing division. The event was the Pheasants Forever National Quail Championship in Kansas City and put on by Bird Hunters United.
Griz is one of those special dogs that has a huge motor in the field, but is very controllable and wants nothing more than to be a team player. Griz has an unbelievable demeanor for a dog with his power. He is truly a gentleman that is extremely intelligent & confident, but doesn’t have a dominate bone in his body. He is an excellent marking dog and is rock solid steady at the line. Griz has been a natural pointing dog from day 1 and point’s way off birds. He is extremely reliable and is allowed to run big in the CRP fields of South Dakota or comes in close for the heavy cover sloughs of Iowa.
Griz will be siring litters for Hunters Point Kennel through out the years.
Griz is available for stud to approved bitches and is located in Ankeny, IA.
Contact Nate Hamblin @ nate.hamblin76@gmail.com.
GSome of Griz’s Titled Offspring
- 4xGMPR Wyatt the Swindler of HPK’s SH – Owner John Swindle (Griz x Molly)
- 4xGMPR HPK’s Nothing But Trouble MH (2015 Master National Qualified 6 MH passes!) – Owner Randall Crocker (Griz x Bailey)
- 4xGMPR HPK’s Lagavulin 16 Year For Grizzly SH – Owner Nate Hamblin (Griz x Bella)
- 4xGMPR Bandu’s Tripp of Lockdown Labs SH – Owner Don Banducci (Griz x Moxie)
- 4xGMPR Griz and Val’s Tubb Full O’Scotch SH – Owner Robert Chapman (Griz x Val)
- 4xGMPR HPK’s Back in Black JH – Owner Nate Hamblin (Griz x Val)
- HPK’s Roesco Trezona’s Pride MH (2015 Master National Qualified 6 MH passes!) – Owner Don & Lisa Trezona (Griz x Sugar)
- GMPR Utah’s Black Rock River MH – Owner Tyce Erickson (Griz x Aspen)
- GMPR TRL’s All Tuckered Out – (Griz x Piper)
- GMPR HPK’s Miss Oakleigh’s Reign – Owner Jim Boykin (Griz x Dutch)
- GMPR 3 Ring Cynosura SH – (Griz x Val)
- GMPR HPK Autumn Breeze of Knockafreghane JH (Griz x Windy)
- GMPR Duckwing Grizzly – (Griz x Piper)
- GMPR HRCH Frogvilles Little Grizzly Bear – (Griz x Sugar)
- APR Bocephus Grizzley MH – (Griz x Dutch)
- HPK Feather Point’s Pepper SH – (Griz x Diva)
- APR HPK’s Welcome to the Jungle JH – (Griz x Tika)
- APR Yogi Get Ur Gun HPK JH – (Griz x Dove)
- APR Red Rooster Chocolate Gold Abigail – (Griz x Piper)
- APR NCK’s Dakota – (Griz x Winnie)
- CPR Eli El Toro Of Hpk – (Griz x Bailey)
- CPR HPK’s Tribute to the Mia dog – (Griz x Winnie)
- CPR BPKs Take it to the Limit – (Griz x Belle)
- CPR HPK’s Blowing Kisses in the wind – (Griz x Windy)
- CPR Mackinaw Valley Champian Grinbella – (Griz x Bella)
- CPR HPK’s Rita – (Griz x Bailey)
- CPR BPKs Dixie In My Heart – (Griz x Belle)
- CPR FHL’s Rip Roar’in Roxy of HPK – (Griz x Ripsey)
- CPR Mocha smokes – (Griz x Dutch)