CPR HPK's My Way (Stella)

Call Name: Stella
Titles: Certified Pointing Retriever (APLA)
Hips: OFA Good
Eyes: CERF
Color: Black
Size: 55 lbs
Whelped: 09/12/2014

HPK’s My Way (Stella)
Stella is one heck of a sweet little Certified Pointing dog. She is smaller in size (55lbs) which allows her to glide through the upland bird field with grace and elegance very similar to her mother CP HPK’s Blowin in the Wind. Stella is a Griz daughter as well — which means two things: (1) she has one hell of a bird drive and (2) she has one heck of an off switch.
4XGMPR Griz SH — as many of you know — is a one of a kind dog that produces an excellent point, a strong desire to retrieve, and a trainability in his puppies that is hard to beat. Stella exemplifies those qualities and produces them in her puppies.
HPK’s Blowing in the Wind (Windy) was a daughter of CPR HPK’s Layla and CPR Lone Oak’s Dapper Dan Man. For those of you pedigree watchers out there — Danny was a son of Lean Mac. Windy was also a half Sister to Stormy — a legend in these parts.
Stella is Black in color and has a chocolate and yellow factor to her as well. This means depending on who we breed her with, she can produce all three colors of pointing Labradors. Stella is the type of dog that is comfortable doing whatever it is that we ask of her. She is a steady upland bird dog, a capable waterfowl dog, and a great companion when out of the field. She is consistent — steady — and ready to go to work. So you hunt birds every day of the week? Her pups will work just fine. The dog’s tenacity will surprise you. Hunt on the weekends only? Her pups will work there as well…the rest of the week she will be a great companion content to curl up by the fire. Chasing Mallards in the marsh? I would say you will be good there as well.